Saturday, January 14, 2012


Sets and Reps Sets and Reps

by Bill Starr
Sets and Reps Sets and Reps

"The researchers found that 4-6 repetitions of 4-6 sets, increasint the weight on each successive set, produced the most significant increase in strength. [...] I simplified the formula to five sets of five reps [...]. So the program would consist of fice sets of fice on each of the "Big Three" including the warm-up." "The researchers found that 4-6 repetitions of 4-6 sets, increasint the weight on each successive set, produced the most significant increase in strength. [...] I simplified the formula to five sets of five reps [... ]. So the program would consist of fice sets of fice on each of the "Big Three" including the warm. "

rotator cuff

Only the Strong Shall Survive

Tough Cuff: Bullet-proof Your Rotators for Pain-free Power

By: Bill Starr
Only the Strong Shall Survive

Injuries to the rotator cuff have risen significantly over the past few decades. Nowadays it seems that everyone who's trained seriously for more than half a dozen years suffers from some degree of rotator cuff problems or has pain in the shoulder itself. The severity ranges from nagging aches during the night to sharp pains that prevent you from doing any physical activity that involves your arm.

rehabbing the lower back

Rehabilitating the Lower Back

by Bill Starr
rehabbing the lower back

The sky was ash-gray with all the signs of an incoming storm straight off the Gulf. The air was muggy and still. I found a place on the screened porch that always catches a bit of breeze, regardless of the weather, and turned by attention to Michelangelo’s epic confrontation with Pope Julius as recorded by Irving Stone in The Agony and the Ecstasy. I was at the point of the story where the Pope was trying to convince Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, a task the strong-willed artist was resisting with all his body and soul.

quick lifts by bill starr

Add Strength with the Quick Lifts

by Bill Starr
quick lifts by bill starr

One of the best things about weight training is that there are so many ways to improve your functional strength. To me, functional strength is all that matters, for if you can’t use your new power in some manner, what’s the purpose of training? There are dozens of excellent exercises for the various parts of the body. There are also many variations of set-and-rep sequences. Some coaches believe in using higher reps and less weight, while others say that handling heavy weights for lower reps is the ticket to success. There are systems designed for the rank beginner, the intermediate and the advanced lifter.



The Power Clean is what I would call a technique intensive movment, if done properly. The slow pull from the floor with straight arms, the explosive second pull, with elbows up and up, rising on the toes with a full shoulder shrug. This is a good movement for a well-conditioned athlete...but there exists quite a potential for damage from the uncoached movement, i.e. like Cajin turning his wrists over either too slowly or with lack of sufficient height...either one will strain the wrist tendons.

quarter squats

Write Bill Starr on page 81 of Strongest:

quarter squats

"One of the best ways to overload the muscles of the legs and hips is by doing heavy half or quarter squats. What most people call a half squat is in actuality a quarter squat, so I will use the latter term.