Sunday, March 18, 2018

Parallel Bar Dips 4 sets and 12/10/8/6 reps

Parallel Bar Dips 4 sets and 12/10/8/6 reps

Parallel Bar Dips Workouts

Powerlifting Workouts Parallel Bar Dips 5 sets and 12/10/8/6 reps video & image guide

Parallel Bar Dips 4 sets and 12/10/8/6 reps

Parallel Bar Dips 4 sets and 12/10/8/6 reps

Parallel Bar Dips 4 sets and 12/10/8/6 reps

Muscle: Pectoralis

First, keep your head down during the course of the movement and move your body forward. Secondly, move your elbows out a bit. That is, keep your elbows out and away from your body. This will ensure that you are using more chest than triceps. Remember, really concentrate on squeezing your entire chest area at the top of the movement.


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